As it’s Valentine’s Day and everywhere I go I’m presented with hearts and pictures of chocolates and flowers, it got me thinking about my four-legged love. My “heart horse”.

He was in my life way before my children, my husband, and he’s literally my right arm. Our equestrian lifestyle is all-encompassing and all of my major decisions in life have all taken into consideration his needs. Buying my first home had to be in an area near the stables. Ditto for my second home. My work has always had to enable me to make sure I can get to the yard morning and evening, or pay well enough for a yard with services. Having my first child, how and who will look after him when I can’t. How will I juggle trips to the yard along with changing nappies, nap times and now the school run?

My four-legged love affair with my beautiful boy PD

Like all of us, I’ve just made it work as I go along. I’ve never considered a life without him. I understand for some people situations and priorities change. But for me, PD has been as important as anything else in my life, and I’ve just adapted to suit.

A relationship with an animal is always special. They show unrequited love despite our flaws. They know how we are feeling even when we don’t tell them. I always think horses are amazing because they let us do so much with them. We take them out of their comfort zones, face them with things that go against all of their natural flight instincts, and they trust us. It’s an honor. My boy is 24 now. He still looks amazing. I still get to ride him and for that, I feel so lucky. He doesn’t know how old he is, he’s just being him. I’ll keep going with him until he tells me he’s had enough. Then he will enjoy his retirement with me 💗

My four-legged love affair with my beautiful boy PD

So I’m wishing my handsome PD a very happy Valentine’s Day. He can have some extra carrots to mark the occasion 🐴